Monday, April 27, 2009

The Ultimate Funky Funk

Mortgage rates are at an all time low, housing prices are possibly at rock bottom and there are large tax incentives for individuals to buy homes that are either first time home buyers or have owned their home for a few years (the stimulus package probably does not apply but you get the point). Sounds like the perfect storm to purchase a property and rent it out doesn't it?

If I may be so bold, I would like to give my own experience as a landlord to persuade you otherwise.

So here they are in random order.

Amy's top 5 reasons to not rent out your fabulous, clean, lovely home :)

Exhibit A

Dogs, piranhas or small baseboard eating humans may inhabit your home without prior written approval?

Exhibit B

Those unauthorized furry or not so furry creatures may have some issues. This is the PG version. I didn't want to scare you too badly but all the carpet has been pulled up.

Exhibit C

This is what it looked like under the carpet so you can imagine what was on top. Convinced yet?

Exhibit D

Your tenants could consider all surfaces of your home fair game for table tennis, kickball or some other type of destructive sporting event.

Exhibit E

And you may soon believe that duct tape is an acceptable use for patching large holes in your drywall.


  1. amos...this is CRAZY! i cannot believe people would actually do this! did you guys know your renters prior to becoming their landlords? please tell me you have a hefty deposit or some way to hold them accountable! that is really crazy!!!! hope you guys are doing well otherwise!! did you see pics of our house? i think you would LOVE it!!! i need some gardening help!!!

  2. We had a property manager, a credit check and a bck ground check along with a $2500 deposit. This doesn't cover the charges but at least it is something. We do have the option of litigation but I don't think we are going that route.


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